Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Business Law - 614 Words

MEMO TO: Professor Michael E. Rychel FROM: Harmanpreet Kaur DATE: March 26 2014 SUBJECT: Difference between tax evasion, tax avoidance, and tax fraud? The times when taxes were first imposed on American Citizens, from that day people have been trying to find different ways to escape from taxes. While some taxpayers continue to find legal ways to avoid taxes on the other hand some choose to evade taxes, or not to pay at all. Three ways to avoid taxes are tax evasion, tax avoidance, and tax fraud. The distinguishes are: Tax Evasion It is an illegal practice where a person, organization, or corporation intentionally avoids paying their tax liability. However, typically tax evasion schemes involves an individual or†¦show more content†¦Even the use of loopholes which named because they provide legal means to legislative intent is not punishable by law. An example of Tax Avoidance is: Big Four accounting firms Ernst Young agreed to pay Federal prosecutors $123 million to settle criminal tax avoidance charge stemming from $2 billion in unpaid taxes from about 200 wealthy individuals advised by For Ernst Young senior patterns between 1999 and 2004. Tax Fraud It occurs when an individual or business entity willfully and intentionally falsifies information on a tax return in order to limit the amount of tax liability. Tax fraud essentially entails cheating on a tax returns in an attempt to avoid paying the entire tax obligation. There are many ways to do tax fraud, some of them are, including deliberately under reporting or omitting income, making false accounting entries, taking deductions that the taxpayers is not entitled to, claiming personal expenses as business expenses, or hiding assets. Tax fraud cheats the Government out of millions of dollars each year. It is illegal and punishable by fines, penalties, interest, or prison time. However, it is important to note that tax fraud is generally requires willful and intentional activity for the purpose of lowering a tax liability, not mistakes, or accidental misreporting. An example of Tax Fraud is: On September 2012 in Oklahoma City,Show MoreRelatedBusiness Law And Ethics : Ba ckoffice Business Brief1862 Words   |  8 Pages Running head: BACKOFFICE BUSINESS BRIEF 1 Business Law and Ethics BackOffice Business Brief Patten University BACKOFFICE BUSINESS BRIEF 2 Constitutional Rights and Guarantees BackOffice is a new startup business that will provide potential clients with an application (app) that woul d automate certain business functions. BackOffice will be selling the app to certain business clients that will use it to facilitate their customers’ transactions. 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Under civil law, two parties here had signed a civil contract in writing. Because the contract failed to specify clearly front or rearRead MoreBusiness Law Development Of Mongolia2212 Words   |  9 PagesCourse Paper Myagmarsuren Jargal International American University BUS 540: Business Law for Managers Flavia LLoyd June 28, 2015 Business Law Development Issues in Mongolia Mongolia is a developing country, which is encountering challenges to develop modern business law. During the twentieth century, Mongolia had been a socialist country and developed almost fifty years of non-private property regime. However, the end of the twentieth century, the country changed its regime to democraticRead MoreBusiness Law1345 Words   |  6 PagesQn 1: Whether James can hold the Happy Holiday Hotel for the loss of his property under the common law? 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No, because if a secured not for a lesser amount is given andRead MoreBusiness Law2474 Words   |  10 Pagesnature of liability in negligence amp; (3.3) Explain how a business can be vicariously liable 4 (4.1) Apply the elements of the tort of negligence and defences in the above different business situations for the legal officer who is assigned to VJSC amp; (4.2) Apply the elements of vicarious liability in above different business situations for the legal officer who is assigned to VJSC 8 Conclusion 11 References 12 Introduction Law plays important roles to protect benefits, obligations and

Abigail Adams’ Inspiring Rebellion for Women’s Rights Essay

Born on November 11, 1744, Abigail Smith entered the world in the Massachusetts colony during troublesome time of England rule that was destined to end one day.1 Her family was well respected in the town of Weymouth, where she was born. Her father, William Smith, was a Congregational minister and her mother, Elizabeth Quincy, hailed from a prominent family in the colony.2 Abigail spent her time at her grandmother’s house where she was schooled in English, French, and history, meanwhile, gaining a well-rounded education from the many hours she spent in her father’s library. Her mother’s father, John Quincy, was a member of the colonial Governor’s council and colonel of the militia. He was also the Speaker of the Massachusetts Assembly, a†¦show more content†¦As the colonial fight for independence from the mother country started, Abigail Adams was appointed by the Massachusetts Colony General Court in 1775, along with Mercy Warren and the governorâ €™s wife, Hanna Winthrop, to question their fellow Massachusetts women, who were charged by their word or action, of remaining loyal to the British crown and working against the independence movement. â€Å"...you are now a politician and now elected into an important office, that of judges of Tory ladies, which will give you, naturally, an influence with your sex†, her husband wrote her in response to the appointment.4 This was the first time for a First Lady to hold a quasi-official government position. Mrs. Adams wrote almost daily letters in which she actively questioned the status of women in the fledgling United Stated. During this time in the 18th century, women received little formal education. According to the rules of society, a women did not need to be educated in order to fulfill her role as mother and homemaker. Adams strongly disagreed with this notion and argued that if women were not better educated, then how could they adequately teach their sons to be fu ture leaders of this new county? Her husband agreed that all women should be educated, butShow MoreRelatedHow Revolutionary Was The American Revolution?3081 Words   |  13 Pagesare still being oppressed for the way they look or act? While some things changed after the revolution, much else stayed the same. Therefore, the American Revolution was not truly revolutionary because there were still people who fought for their right to be free in a ‘free’ country, even after the revolution. One example of suppression in early America was Women. Before and during the revolution, women worked together to gain equality with the men, but they were still suppressed post-revolutionRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesCredits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Poem The Iliad - 904 Words

The Iliad, which is sometimes referred to as the song of llion, is an ancient Greek poem that was written by Homer. The Iliad takes place towards the end of the Trojan War. In book I of the Odyssey Zeus tells the other gods: â€Å"My word, how mortals take the gods to task! All their afflictions come from us, we hear. And what of their own failings? Greed and folly Double the suffering in the lot of man.† This directly connects to the Iliad because greed and folly is a major theme in this poem. This quote is directly connected to the Iliad because it sets the stage for what about to happen in the poem. The reader understands more and more about the reckless behavior that is about to occur in the story. It also set the scene, for the consequence that the Trojans will have to endure as a result of their actions. This quote is shown to help the readers understand the difference between the gods from men in the poem. It is to show the importance of the gods and due to the fact t hat the humans in the war disregarded the divine warnings from the gods. In the quote it noted that Zeus is not putting the blame on anyone but simply asking the question who is to blame. Who should take the blame. Who should be held responsible for what has happened. He notes that the gods also have so responsibility for some of the ill fortune of mortals because they have chosen a side. Zeus in The Iliad was neutral throughout the poem. He didn’t really take any side between the Trojans and theShow MoreRelatedThe Iliad By Homer1654 Words   |  7 Pages The Iliad is a collection of poems by Homer describing the 10-year siege on Troy by Greeks in what is now famously referred to as the Trojan War. Several Greek and Trojan characters are worth a special mention in these Homeric poems because of the roles they played in the battles before the war was won, how they conducted themselves to help eventually win the war for their side. This paper specifically investigates the writings in the Homeric poems to look are important in the overall text. TheRead MoreComparative Analysis of the Aeneid, Odyssey, and Iliad Essay962 Words   |  4 PagesComparative Analysis of the Aeneid, Odyssey, and Iliad The Iliad and the Odyssey are two of the best Greek epics written by Homer. Despite their popularity, almost nothing is known about the author beyond the existence of his masterpieces. Surprisingly enough no concrete evidence of his existence is available; not even to confirm the same person created the two works. The authorship of the Iliad and the Odyssey were debated even in the times of the ancient Greeks. Many scholars have arguedRead MoreAeneid Analysis789 Words   |  4 PagesAeneid By Virgil Written 19 B.C.E Translated by John Dryden Analysis Jazymn Talley SNHU Analysis The intention of Virgil s poem, Aeneid, is to romanticize the origins of the Roman Empire. Aeneid shares many characteristic to Grecian writer Homer s Epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey. Much of Roman culture is modeled after or inspired by the Greeks, especially the arts. Roman art, writings, religion, and celebrations were on the rise as they experienced a time of rest, enabling themRead MoreAchilles : Achilles And Duryodhana Essay1294 Words   |  6 PagesJohn Nguyen Dr. Chance World Literature 26 October 2016 Achilles and Duryodhana Analysis A quick comparison between the characters Achilles in the Iliad and Duryodhana in the Mahabharata suggests that they are extremely similar. Both characters are hard-headed, full of pride, and their eventual demises both occur because of a certain weakness in their invulnerability related to their mothers’ oversight. At closer glance, one notices that while they share many traits, the role Achilles plays is muchRead MoreHomeric Vs. The Iliad1654 Words   |  7 PagesHomeric View of War in the Iliad Being a milestone for all ancient Greek Literature, the Trojan War was discussed and narrated in many different works, most notably Homer’s epic poem the Iliad. Depicting a classical style of mass battle, Homeric warriors were thus treated equally as fighters, but were disregarded in the text in order to illustrate the sheer power of the heroes and leaders. Every warrior was just another piece of the phalanx, which is why the army was so withstanding of attackRead MoreHomeric Poem Style Draft Analysis1510 Words   |  7 PagesHomeric poem style Draft Analysis Trying to write a regular poem is hard, even when the poem is the traditional and cheesy ones that professors make students do at preschool, but writing a poem like Homer did on his masterpiece Iliad is even harder. The three main things that is analyzed by Homers book is that to do his extended simile on his poem he first establishes what event is occurring and he will be talking about on his next lines, when the regular poem doesn’t need to establish that onRead MoreThe Truth Behind The Myth1471 Words   |  6 Pagesas the poems of Homer. They were told orally, passed on like a campfire story. Homer authored both The Iliad and The Odyssey. The Iliad is the story of the Trojan war, while The Odyssey is about Odysseus’ ten year adventure home from the war. â€Å"The story of the Trojan War, the Bronze Age conflict between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycenaean Greece, straddles the history and mythology of ancient Greece and inspired the greatest writers of antiquityà ¢â‚¬  (Trojan War, history.com). Homer’s poem paintsRead MoreThe Epic Of The Iliad1562 Words   |  7 PagesHomer is the author of the Iliad and is known as the greatest Greek epic poet. He has had an enormous influence on the history of literature. The poem, Iliad, has been translated into different languages, one of which will be used in this paper, translated by Robert Fagles. The poem itself is about one simple word: rage. This anger that infuriates everyone is transformed into a war that will not stop until one side, either Greeks or Trojans, wins. With the majority of the Gods taking sides, the readerRead MoreCritical Analysis Of The Iliad1714 Words   |  7 PagesHomer’s Iliad is an epic tale that spans centuries. The story covers intense battles in which the Greeks take on the Trojans. Homer does a fantastic job of bringing the poem to life and uses the gods to show the scale of the tale. While the poem is well written and grabs the reader’s attentio n, upon further analysis one can conclude that there is a serious problem concerning the tension between personal desire and rational ethical thinking. Throughout the book this conflict appears time and timeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Beowulf 851 Words   |  4 Pagesoffers literary analysis of Beowulf, the oldest epic poem that has survived in English literature. It is also widely known as the earliest surviving piece of literatures in vernacular European Literature. The language of this poem is Old English, spoken by Saxon people. This poem depicts a traditional story that is a part of oral Germanic tradition. As per experts, this is work of a single poet and was composed in then England. It has been determined by the scholars that this poem was written between

The Recidivism Rates Throughout The United States - 849 Words

Just as the number of people in prison grows, so too does the number of people leaving prison. Research shows that 95 percent of all prisoners in the United States are released at some point (Katel 2009). The Department of Justice reports that more than 600,000 prisoners are released each year (John Oliver 2015). This means that hundreds of thousands of people reenter society and are expected to have learned from their time behind bars. Unfortunately, most of these people released back into society are not properly prepared. As a result, they end up back in prison. There are numerous studies that examine the recidivism rates in various states and in the nation. The studies come back with similar results. A Department of Justice study of recidivism in 30 states found that more than two-thirds (67.8%) of released prisoners were arrested for a new crime within three years and more than three-fourths (76.6%) were arrested within five years (DOJ Recidivism 2010). Other studies give simila r numbers, including the fact that over half (51.8%) of people released from prison end up back behind bars (Jonson and Cullen 2015). These numbers indicate serious problems with prisoner reentry into society. Some scholars go so far as to claim that the results of various studies â€Å"reveal that inmate reentry is marked by widespread failure. High proportions of released offenders have contact with the law, often soon after reentry, and about half are reincarcerated,† (Jonson and Cullen 2015).Show MoreRelatedFactors That Lead To Recidivism1353 Words   |  6 PagesResearch Question/Objective: What are some factors that lead to recidivism of female juvenile offenders? The objective to this question is to find out whether sexual abuse and environmental factors lead to recidivism amongst girl juvenile offenders. These are two factors that have not been researched enough amongst juvenile offenders and can be addressed to help guide these girls to a better path in their lives. Recidivism: Recidivism is when a convicted criminal has the tendency to reoffend. ItRead MoreHow Recidivism Is Better Than Others, And The Researcher1262 Words   |  6 Pagesquestions will be important for better understanding recidivism, why the government has difficulty in combating it, and also how to improve aftercare programs to decrease the level of recidivism. In this vein, Maltz (1984) took to the analysis of the recidivism phenomenon, reviewing different definitions of the word and relating these definitions to the evaluation of goals programs of the criminal justice system. The researcher also discuss data on recidivism, noting there are different methods for analyzingRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency And Juvenile Criminal Justice System1475 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: Juvenile delinquency is an ever growing issue in the United States, according to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, â€Å"In 2012, there were 3,941 arrests for every 100,000 youths ages 10 through 17 in the United States† (OJJDP, 2014). The way juveniles are treated in the criminal justice system is very different than the way adults are. In 1899, in Cook County, Illinois, the first juvenile justice system in the country was founded. This established an alternativeRead MoreWhy Recidivism Is So Common?1306 Words   |  6 Pagesamount of people relapsing back into criminal behavior once released, which only leads them into a federal or state prison. Recidivism can be perceived into different category’s based upon the why factor. Criminal acts that result in rearrests, and reconviction or return to prison with or without new a new sentence during a three-year period following the prisoner’s release is considered recidivism. There are many di fferent reasons why a person goes back into prison once being released, whether by choiceRead MoreThe Reasons For Why Recidivism Occurs1441 Words   |  6 Pagesmember of society and not the criminal they once were. This does not occur most of the time. In fact, the exact opposite has occurred so much that there is a term for it now. That term is recidivism, which is when a person goes back to a life of crime after some sort of reform. There are many reasons for why recidivism occurs. Sometimes the people who commit a crime are just going to commit crime no matter what, that person met people in prison which helped them to commit more crime, maybe even thatRead MoreSolitary Confinement : A New Idea Of Punishment And Maintaining Order1708 Words   |  7 Pagesisolation unhealthy, but it contributes to increased recidivism rates, sometimes referred to as the revolving door phenomenon. Although solitary confinement provides the staff and general prison population with safety, there are alternatives that can be used rather than continuing the revolving door with the cruelty, expensiveness, and ineffectiveness of solitary. Solitary confinement is by no means a new concept; it has been used throughout history as a way of punishment and maintaining order.Read MoreThe Death Of The Prison1446 Words   |  6 Pagesutilize two ways to achieve their goals. One is managing the prison employees. The other is delivering services to the inmate population. So there is a specific group to work with and control the inmates. The mission of prisons has changed somewhat throughout history. â€Å"It is as follows: to protect the citizens from crime by safely and securely handling criminal offenders while providing offenders some opportunities for self-improvement and increasing the chance that they will become productive and law-abidingRead MoreDoes Incarceration Affect Recidivism?1433 Words   |  6 PagesDoes Incarceration Affect Recidivism? The United States is the world’s leader in incarceration with 2.2 million people currently in the nation’s prisons or jails. Incarceration is a widely argued topic with many understood viewpoints, and it directly deals with three main important correctional topics which are deterrence, rehabilitation, and recidivism. The definition of incarceration is the state of being confined in prison. Not only does incarceration affect people directly by taking away theirRead MoreReducing Recidivism Rate Of Juvenile Offenders1241 Words   |  5 PagesReducing Juvenile Recidivism Jessica D. Pettit The University of Texas at Tyler Abstract This paper explores the factors that contribute to the recidivism rate of juvenile offenders. Recidivism refers to a person s relapse into criminal behavior, often after the person receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime. It explains the advantages and disadvantages that intervention programs, extracurricular activities, education and home and family life have on juvenileRead MoreSimulation Strategies For Reducing Recidivism Risk1318 Words   |  6 PagesTaxman, F. S., Pattavina, A. (2013). Simulation Strategies to Reduce Recidivism Risk Need Responsivity (RNR) Modeling for the Criminal Justice System. New York, NY: Springer New York. Currently, there is little use of evidence-based programs or best practice within correctional settings. There is some consensus that offenders’ programs do not produce expected outcomes. Valid risk and assessment tools should be used, being able to identify is an offender is open to altering their behavior. Using

Human Resource Management Multicultural Group

Question: Discuss about theHuman Resource Management for Multicultural Group. Answer: My Experience of Working in a Multicultural Group My experience of working in a multicultural has been outstanding. I being a native of Afghanistan have worked in a Multinational Company in Australia. My group members were from Iraq and Palestine. In the initial days, it was very difficult for me to adjust in that working environment since I previously had no experience of working in a multicultural group. However, as the time passed, I felt comfortable working with them since I found that working in a multicultural cultural team could help me in understanding different cultures of the world. In my opinion, it is necessary to have a concrete awareness regarding the cultural values. This context can be understood in a better way from the Hofstedes cultural dimension theory. It offers a strategy for the significant culturally acceptable approaches with respect to a business organization (Taras, Steel, and Kirkman, 2012). In my opinion, this theory has established the differences between country level and individual-level information d ata analysis (Taras, Steel, and Kirkman, 2012). It demonstrated that in diverse cultures, the individuals are not randomly different from each other. They only differ in some specific ways. In addition, I did learn new things regarding other cultures that enhanced my understanding. In my opinion, this experienced helped me to work in a group effectively (Jayanthi and Rajandran, 2014). I believe it is necessary for all the individuals working in a multicultural group. References Jayanthi, M. and Rajandran, K.V.R., 2014. A study on multicultural team and. Taras, V., Steel, P. and Kirkman, B.L., 2012. Improving national cultural indices using a longitudinal meta-analysis of Hofstede's dimensions.Journal of World Business,47(3), pp.329-341.

Corporate Spreadsheets Financial Management

Question: Describe about the Corporate Spreadsheets for Financial Management. Answer: In todays world, spreadsheets are used for not only simple calculations but also storing large amounts of data and processing them. Most of the business use spreadsheet and it has become an integrated part of the business world. Spreadsheets have made data crunching easier and help in building various financial and forecasting models for the company to predict their future sales and demand. But in spite of the advantages of the spreadsheet, most of the companies are facing problems due to the fact that most of the spreadsheets contain errors. (Burn, 2015) It has been found that most of the corporate spreadsheets contain errors and most of them are undetected and are hidden behind the thousands of formulae used in a complex excel. The major reason for such high amount of errors is due to bad practices followed while using excel and the user either enters the data incorrectly or careless uses a formula. The impact of such small mistakes can be huge for the companies at times. Recently JP Morgan had registered a loss of 250 million in the year 2013 because of a small spreadsheet error which went unrecognized. Many more instances have occurred in the past which has proved that spreadsheets are fallible and can cause huge losses. (Olshan, 2013) The spreadsheets are important part of business world and it is not possible to do away with them. However, the companies can be more careful while using the spreadsheets to avoid errors. The users must take the responsibility while using the spreadsheet and enter data with more caution. Also there must be a proof read mechanism in place which can help in detecting errors in spreadsheet if any. Thus companies should be more careful while using results obtained from spreadsheets in planning and forecasting. References Burn,R. (2015). Companies could lose billions because of crappy spreadsheets. Retrieved on September 16 2016 from https://www.businessinsider.com/stupid-spreadsheet-mistakes-could-lead-to-corporate-disaster-2015-4?IR=T Olshan,J. (2013). 88% of spreadsheets have errors. Retrieved on September 16 2016 from https://www.marketwatch.com/story/88-of-spreadsheets-have-errors-2013-04-17